Friday, June 25, 2010

Belly photos

Just to show the changes, here are a few photos. The top photo is from April 22. She and I are growin!

The photo in the middle is from May 27.

The last photo is from June 24 (5.5months along).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm Back!

Hi everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted. We've continued to be busy with landscaping upkeep, gardening, etc. It was great to go to MO a few weeks ago and wish we'd had time to see everyone. Garrett was sick with a cold and passed it on so neither of us have had much motivation for anything. Garrett's mostly better and I'm still fighting with mine. I've not had a cold linger like this one has and am I'm really tired of coughing. I'm sure Baby Girl is, too.

Baby is doing well from what I can tell. I'm feeling her jabs higher up now and the belly continues to grow. I think she has been experimenting with twists and rolls because I'm feeling her kick all over my right side instead of just in the lower abdomen. When I was relaxing earlier this week she had been moving around gently. Then I felt a lot of pressure lengthwise just under my belly button. It felt like she had her entire head and back pressed against the front of my abdomen. I ran my hand across and could feel her little head and then her body. It was amazing! As I continued to run my hand back and forth across her she moved away. Garrett had fallen asleep so I tried to wake him up so he could feel her but he was really tired. She did it again a little later but it wasn't as noticeable from the outside. We've each been reading children's books to her almost every night. We have four Skippyjon Jones books which seem to be the favorite. That is, the favorite among Garrett and myself. They are quite funny and we enjoy the different nicknames for Skippyjon. Garrett's been calling Remy, our skiddish cat, Skippyjon because he bounces all over the house, similar to how Skippyjon bounces around his room before an adventure. Anyway, we're having a fun time reading the stories. For the past few weeks I have been wearing Garrett's t-shirts to bed. My sleep shirts rub snugly on the belly which is quite uncomfortable. Garrett has more clothes (even non-maternity) than me so he has a variety to choose from. My overall weight gain has my pj pants fitting a little snug also but I think I can make it through the next few months without buying any.

Monday evening we had a bad storm come through with cloud rotation, high winds and heavy rain over our house. Soon after the storm hit I heard something outside at the east end of the house. The next morning as we stepped out of the house for work we found that two large limbs had fallen, one nearly missing the house. That evening Garrett got out his handy dandy fancy Stihl chainsaw and cut the limbs up and we hauled the pieces to the burn pile. We were able to save some of the good pieces to use in the wood stove in the winter. We're very lucky they didn't fall on the house. It's been so hot outside the last few days and with all the storms in the evenings I haven't been able to work too much outside. If I do, it's only for a max of 30 minutes and then I have to stop. I've been eating a lot of Pop Ice popsickles and some Central Dairy ice cream. Yep, that's right. Central Dairy. Before we left MO we stopped downtown JC and picked up two, 3 gallon containers of ice cream. One Jamocha Almond Fudge and one Vanilla. I really enjoy the Vanilla because I can use it in root beer floats, drizzle chocolate syrup on it or sprinkle cinnamon on top. Yummy! Perhaps I will need new pj pants :)

I'll try to update the blog a little sooner next time!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We're having a girl!! We had our ultrasound last Thursday and saw our little sweetheart for the first time. It was sooo cool to finally see her. Everything appears to be developing correctly and she looks healthy. So healthy, in fact, that the doctor said she is a week ahead of schedule in growth. She was very wiggly for the technician. She paused every now and then just long enough to get a picture. She waved at us briefly and kept her little ankles crossed making it difficult to see that she is a she. After the technician pushed here and there on my abdomen to try getting her to move and after I used the restroom she finally gave us a little peek. Of course it's not 100%, but both the technician (experienced) and doctor said they are 98% sure. She appears to have quite the belly and is mastering her karate moves. I continue to feel her throughout the day at different times. She really likes to get active just as I lay down for bed. It's said they start developing their sleep/wake pattern at this time. She may be a night owl like I apparently was when I was a baby. I have not been awakened in the night by her movements so let's hope that continues. Anyway, we were so excited to see her and to know that she doesn't have any major birth defects is a big relief.

So apparently most of the family "had a feeling" we were having a girl before we told them. I find this funny because given Garrett's family genes with mostly boys on the Thorne side, I was expecting it to also be a boy. I was really surprised for about 20 minutes following the ultrasound but soon started talking pink. I'm super excited that I will have a little girl to do girly things with and she will also have a wonderful dad to show her how to change the oil and other vehicle things so she can impress the boys. On that note, I enjoyed playing with my brother's Tonka trucks when I was young. I would put my hamster in the back of the Mighty Dump and pull it around. We have a number of Tonka trucks that we've found over that past few years from going to antique shops. We went to the monthly flea market at the Fairgrounds this past Sunday where I had to keep Garrett from buying all the Tonka trucks he saw. I reminded him that we are having a girl and she may not want to play with just Tonkas. Shouldn't there be a cut off for how many we can have? She most likely won't want them displayed in her room lining the baseboards. Oh well. She'll probably play with them and have fun with them and that's what it's all about. But Garrett, honey, I really think we have a good collection.

We're going to MO this weekend for my cousin's wedding and will be bouncing from place to place. Hopefully we can catch everyone. We're leaving Huntley at the kennel since it looks like our schedule has filled up quickly. Tracy, a friend of mine, and her daughter will be checking on our wild kitties for us. Love you all and hope you're having a great week!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Geez, do I ever have a wiggler inside this belly. The movements continue to get stronger and more frequent. Baby has been moving around a lot today. Typically it has been active in the evenings and now it's at different times throughout the day. My cubemate, Jennifer, was able to feel it today. Hopefully it will continue this through tomorrow. Last night as soon as I got in bed the little one went crazy. Jab here! Jab there! Garrett was able to feel it. It makes me so happy that he can feel it, too. I wish he could feel every little movement that I can feel. We have our ultrasound tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait to see Baby for the first time. A friend of mine that I work with at the dog park is 3 weeks ahead of me and she had her exam two weeks ago. She said it was really cool and got plenty of photos and a DVD recording of the ultrasound. My doctor's office offers that as well so I need to dig out a disc tonight. We're super excited!

Over Memorial weekend Garrett installed ventilation in the garage. He put in a ridge vent along the entire length and began installing the intake vents. He's such a hard worker. I worked inside cleaning and organizing. We're still trying to figure out where to put things. Once we get the office painting finished that will clear up a lot of the mess. I wish I could help him more with moving things and doing more outside. I went out to the garden at 8:30 to finish planting Sweat Pea flowers along the edge. I began weeding and got hot in the 45 minutes I was out there. Part of it was the humidity but my heart was beating strongly so I needed to stop. We planted 4 hills each of canteloupe and pumpkin over one week ago and the pumpkins are growing very quickly! The canteloupe are just emerging. We planted corn the same day and they are already 3-4 inches tall. If you want corn let us know because we will have a lot that we can bring home at the end of the season. The tomato plants are doing well also along with the oregano. We're going to plant carrots as soon as it stops storming. A friend that Garrett went through Aviation with at Purdue, Mike, called him on Saturday to catch up. He is staying in Cincinatti, OH for the summer for an internship for his Masters. He came to visit for a few hours on Sunday and Garrett showed him his workplace and the new Aviation building on campus. Mike married about the same time we did and they are also expecting in October. When Garrett told him we were also, Mike said they know 11 other people around our age that are also expecting October babies! They are having a boy and are very excited.

Not sure if I mentioned this in another post but we bought an Elliptical so I've been able to continue exercising without going out into the heat. Later in the evenings we've been walking Huntley as long as it has cooled off enough for him and myself. I work every Saturday at the dog park from 9:30am-12:30pm so I've been taking Huntley with me. He has a good time and it wears him out for the rest of the weekend. We're a bit concerned about his back legs. A few times recently he will be playing/running and will stop and lift his right rear leg and put no weight on it. He stops what he's doing and comes to us if we can't get to him first. After a few minutes he will put weight on it and walk but still has a bit of a limp. We're afraid it may be the beginning of hip dysplasia. Without knowing his breeding history we don't know some things. He's still a great dog and wouldn't trade him. :) Time to eat lunch. Happy Wednesday!