Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010


We are cruisin' right along. We are beginning week 28 and mini-me has been very squirmy yesterday and today. I felt her at least every hour yesterday and today about every couple hours. She's getting so big that I start to feel her turn or twist and look down and can see a wave go across my belly. Soon I'll be able to tell which parts are which. Yesterday she had her head or her backside pressing out on my right side so much that I could see the bulge. She stayed long enough for Garrett to feel it. I really wish I could get another ultrasound but as long as she continues her exercise routines there is no justification. It's very reassuring when she wiggles. Though, I wish she would avoid my cervix. Last week that was her place of choice to bounce against but thankfully she is back to choosing more comfortable locations. I've been feeling her a few inches below my ribcage and more on my sides. Though, the ribs may not be comfortable soon. My next appointment is tomorrow, then we start going every two weeks. I will have my glucose test in two weeks to check for gestational diabetes. The doctor's office will give me an extra sugary drink that I have to consume within a certain amount of time and then have my blood drawn soon thereafter.

We now have 3 Hummingbirds!! At least that's what I've seen near the feeder at one time. The new one is either a female or juvenile. Again, I'm not good at distinguishing the difference so I stop what I'm doing and stare every time I see them. We have a 6 foot ornamental tree next to the feeder and the other day the male bird was perched on the branch closest to the feeder. Any time the others wanted to get to the feeder, he would fly them off and return to his branch. He eventually left and the others returned for drinking.

We haven't accomplished much this week on the house. We've both been tired and lazy. We've had a few small storms narrowly miss our house that apparently had high winds. We're just hoping the storms continue to bypass us until after next Friday, when the big tree in front of our house gets taken down. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us. The company we chose to do the service is a well-known local company and they are quite busy. West Lafayette had a storm come through last week that knocked down a lot of trees so they got a little behind on the housecalls due to helping the city with clean up.

That's all I have folks for this week. Happy end of July! (Already?!)

Friday, July 23, 2010


Looks like the new hummingbird is also a ruby-throated. It's either a juvenile or a female, both of which don't have the ruby throat. I'm sure most of you already knew this and I probably should have also after seeing them at Mary Jane's and also at Mary's. I know now!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wow, has my thermostat gone up! I feel hot almost all of the time. I drink ice cold water or lemonade and frequently have a Pop-Ice popsickle when I'm home. There is a good part to this; I don't always have to grab a blanket when I sit for any amount of time and my feet are never cold! When I put my hand on Garrett he complains that I'm hot. He also used to complain when I was cold. He said he'd rather I be cold so I told him to remember himself saying that this winter.

We're all doing well. Baby Girl continues to squirm. It's reassuring but it would be nice if she could not kick the same spot over and over. Yesterday and today she's been stretching which is an odd feeling as well. I've read that I should feel her hiccup starting now but so far I haven't noticed it. Her eyes should be opening now and she should be able to detect light/dark. Her lungs are in their prime development stage, growing the alveoli and surfactant, necessary for respiration. And of course, she's growing in every direction. The sharp pain I had has for now subsided. Now there is a constant ache in my pelvis but it's a lot easier to walk without the stabbing sensation. My ribs are also getting a bit tender. Garrett and I looked at our financial numbers to figure out if I could go back to work part time. It would be a close call so it looks like I have to go back to work full time. I'm really bummed because I was hoping we could work it out somehow. It would work if we sold one of our vehicles but we really need to have two. Especially living where we do, it would be dangerous not to have transportation in case of an emergency while the other person was gone. We also don't want an older car that we'd be putting money into anyway. And Garrett's time. At least we have found a nice day care center and we feel comfortable with them. I'll be able to take off 12 weeks and start back to work in mid January if she comes close to her due date. Garrett continues to work on the upstairs office room. It's getting there and hopefully we can paint soon. I'm getting anxious because we don't have anything set up for Baby and it's going to be a while longer before we can get things how we want them. I'd like to be painting and getting her room set up in case she arrives early. I'm trying to stay focused on basic cleaning and trying not to get stressed. I know everything will work out fine. If she does arrive early her chances of survival are very good. Our new hospital has a Level 3 NICU that I've heard is very good which gives me some piece of mind. Let's just hope she stays put for a while longer. Ha! I may not be saying that in 2 months!

We now have two hummingbirds that come to the feeder on a regular basis. The second one showed up a couple of weeks ago. The first one is a ruby-throated and the more recent friend is a beautiful shiny emerald. I couldn't find our bird book to see what it is so I'll look it up after I finish writing this. I'm surprised we don't have more hummers but I'm thankful that we have the two. We also have a resident chipmunk that lives against the back of the house. We see it almost daily running from the back door to the back deck and everywhere in between. The other night we were eating dinner in the dining room and it was on the deck off of the dining room eating dinner as well. It found a cicada and happily munched it for a good 5 minutes. Chipmunks are quite cute. Our cats think so, too! The butterflies we have are amazing. We have all different kinds and it's so peaceful to be in the kitchen cooking or cleaning and look out and see a butterfly, probably 95% of the time.

It's about time for me to leave work and go to the store. Everyone stay cool (temperature and awesomeness) and have a great rest of the week!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Little baby girl is taking advantage of what little space there is surrounding her. I just finished my lunch and she pressed her head very firmly against the side of my abdomen. I could feel the almost perfect roundness so I'm confident it was her head. I wish Garrett could have felt her. After a bit of gentle massaging she moved positions. It was so cool I just had to make an immediate post. Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

6 Months

Today marks 6 months, the beginning of month 7. Time is going by quickly and it's exciting to think that in a few months we'll have a little girl sleeping in our arms. She continues to get bigger and stronger. She has become a bit more active during the day. A few times I had to stand up and walk around because she continued giving strong jabs and I was trying to work. This morning the alarm had just gone off and she started moving around. Typically she waits for me to be out of bed and awake for a while before beginning her exercises. Hmm, does this mean she'll keep us on our toes? Her bones continue to harden and her fat continues to build. Her brain is developing quickly and will be opening and closing her eyes. She is 12-14 inches long (crown to heel) and weighs around 1.5 pounds. We had our monthly appointment last week and her heart was great at 150 bpm. My ligaments are definitely relaxing and causing me some pain in my pelvis and hips. The doctor said this is normal for some women (1 in 35) and it will probably only get worse. It's difficult to walk and turn over while sleeping. I put my feet up as often as possible and this seems to help. I have a box at my desk that I prop up onto. It's also been difficult driving the car as it's a manual and I have to raise my left foot for the clutch. That doesn't help the discomfort. Other than that, I'm feeling fine and keeping up on house work.

Garrett has been working very hard on our upstairs office bedroom. He pulled down drywall on a small wall, leveled it so it isn't wavy and put up new drywall. In the process we discovered there was no insulation behind most of the wall so we added some to fill the space. Since I can't do many of those types of things I made him cookies. He also patched the outlet box hole that Huntley had made larger and relocated the box lower on the wall to make it look nicer. He did a great job so I'll be able to paint once we get it sanded. For those whom have seen our house, it's the large green wall in the lower living room. The whole house could use fresh paint but we'll see what we can get done. One thing at a time. I believe we have only one humming bird that comes every morning, afternoon and evening to our feeder outside our kitchen window. I'm so glad we at least have one. Hopefully next season we'll have more. Our purple cone flowers have all bloomed and I just love them. We also have black-eyed susans mixed in with them and they haven't begun to bloom this past week. Our garden is doing very well and I will be harvesting a few early girl tomatos soon. I had another company give us an estimate to have a big tree removed that is overhanging our house. We are scheduled for Aug. 3. I asked if they could do it before then if they have any cancellations as we are quite concerned it will fall on the house if we have another bad storm. I hope they can squeeze us in soon. We're having them leave the firewood sized pieces for next winter. It's a large tree and we will get a good batch of wood from it. We plan to plant a new tree in it's place, a little further from the house, but we aren't sure what kind to get. Honestly, we haven't had a chance to think about it but we'll decide on something, sometime. No rush.

We hope everyone had a nice 4th. We'll catch up again soon.