Thursday, August 26, 2010

Long Week

Even with having Monday off it seems like it's been a tiring week at work. But I am totally enjoying the cooler weather! We borrowed the Harry Potter movies and have put one in after dinner and chores each night. I haven't been able to stay awake past the first hour of each of them because I've been too tired to keep my eyes open. On top of that I've gotten up late because I fell back to sleep in the mornings. Hello trimester 3. Oh well, it's almost Friday.

I had a great time at our baby showers this past weekend! Thank you so much everyone for being so giving and celebrating with us in anticipation of our little one. It went by too fast as always. We really had a blast!

We plan to paint the office room this weekend and start getting that room organized so we can get to Baby's room. We also need to pick apples from one of our trees as we discovered upon returning home that they are ready for eating. We plan to make applesauce out of them and they taste oh so yummy straight off the tree.

We have our tour of the hospital tonight which I am excited about. Then tomorrow we start the first of two sessions of the childbirth class. I heard from a co-worker that it is very beneficial.

That's a quick update as to what is happening for the moment. I'm heading home now to take care of Huntley before the tour. I may snag a bite of leftover shower cake while I'm at it. :)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I hope these maternity shirts can keep stretching! I have a few that won't cover the elastic band for too much longer. I haven't bought many clothes so I'm starting to get tired of wearing jeans and switching out my 8 shirts to work. I miss my non-maternity khakis and jeans and my black Birkenstocks. Despite all of this, I still feel cute with the baby belly and know that it won't be there much longer. 9 weeks to the due date!! This summer has flown and it's hard to believe school has started.

Baby continues to wiggle and stretch and will be going through a growth spurt these last few weeks. She is almost as long as she will be at birth but is packing on the fat. She should have a fuzzy head and be looking around at her environment, able to detect light/dark. Scooting out of bed and standing is getting harder. The weight just drops out in front and I can feel her body move downwards when I stand.

Garrett has worked very hard this week on the office room and now has it primed, ready to paint! Have I mentioned how wonderful he is? Tuesday night he mowed, weed eated, cleaned up the garage, then came inside and worked on sanding and priming. I made dinner but he was so focused on getting work done that he didn't want to stop to eat. Me on the other hand would stop about anything to eat. Last weekend he also painted the main green wall in the lower living room after spackling and fixing Huntley's drywall artwork. He's fantastic and I love him.

I toured another daycare a few weeks ago and put our name on the list. We have our name down at two locations now so we can think about the options a bit more before deciding. The first location was built two years ago and seems to have good security and people. The second location is in an older building, also with good security and people. The difference is that the second location charges $40 less per week and is a smaller business. Other than the facility being a bit older, I do not see a good reason go to with the first location when I see nothing wrong with the second. My oh my the decision. Both are also close to my work so that doesn't help in the choosing. It would be great to save the extra $160 each month. In Indiana it is public record to see all state licensed child care locations' inspections. This includes homes, churches, and child care companies. Both locations we have found do not have any bad inspections nor reported complaints. We'll probably go with the less expensive place but want to think about it a bit longer.

We still have only 3 hummingbirds. They are fun to watch. Huntley was barking the other evening after it was dark so I went to inspect. There was a full sized opossum just off of our front porch. It didn't even budge when Huntley was barking at it. Hmm. Then I recalled back in the Fall there was an opossum in our back yard that I saw a couple of times when taking Huntley outside for his evening potty trip. The thing chased us both times! Came running full speed at us so we high-tailed it back into the house and then it ran off. I wonder if it's the same one? If it is, it may be rabid and needs to head over to neighbor Frank's where critters like this one don't last very long. I don't mean to be so insensitive but I really don't like going outside in the dark and have something chase me. If it were just out there hanging out, sure no problem. You stay over there, I stay over here and we'll co-exist. I better get back to work and finish what I'm working on for the day. Yay, four day weekend!!

See you all soon!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 30

It's Friday! I'm ready for the weekend to sleep, work on the house, and sleep. Did I mention I plan to sleep this weekend? The second trimester energy didn't last long enough. I feel tired all the time again and moving oh so slowly. Slow isn't too bad considering I'm a little wobbly and achy and it helps me keep my balance. Going upstairs in our house wears me out. It's getting harder to breathe. My feet have grown a bit. I can hardly wear my black leather Birkenstock clogs and my tennis shoes are snug. Just this week I've started wearing my old suede Birk clogs because they are all stretched out, which now feels comfortable. I sure hope I don't have to buy all new shoes after the pregnancy. I like my shoes and don't want to spend the money on more. Can you tell I'm starting to be ready for this baby to come? On the up side, sleeping is more comfortable now. I've figured out how to manage the growing belly when shifting positions and also being more tired helps. Our bedroom has been staying warmer than the rest of the house so Garrett bought me a vertical fan to keep me cooler. That has been wonderful.

Baby continues to be active. I'm noticing more and more stretching and she isn't twisting and moving her entire body as much. My books say she should start getting in the head down position the majority of the time, which I think she's doing. I feel kicks at the top of my bump frequently. The right side of my abdomen is where I feel most of the stretches. I think it's her bum and then her legs at the top. When she does move her body, my entire belly contorts and it's really funny to watch. My belly button is still an inny. Ok, just barely, but it is! It may not be long before it's an outy and will poke out of my shirts. It's all an adventure and it's fascinating. When we are home and the baby is moving a bunch I have Garrett put his hand on my belly to feel her. But, as soon as he does, she stops moving. It's really cool. She must like his touch. When I touch my belly she just keeps wiggling. She's going to have him wrapped around her finger.

Garrett is making progress on the office room. It was ready to prime when a corner piece came loose. He is going to Menards after work today to find another taping material that he heard is good. Hopefully we can prime this weekend and possibly paint. I'd like Baby's room cleared of the office supplies before we bring baby items home from the shower. I'm really excited and anxious to get it set up. I want to go in there and have everything in its place, ready for Baby. I know it doesn't have to be perfect but I want it to be. When she arrives I'd like to be able to relax (when she lets me) and have things organized and easy to find. We were given a couple of pairs of baby shoes and Huntley decided he liked one of them. We'd just received them in the mail and I had not put them away when he walked up to the chair they were on and began tossing it around. He didn't damage it but I promptly put the shoes in Baby's room on a stack of boxes. The next morning, one of the cats had carted it into the upstairs hallway. Crazy little kitties like to just grab things and drag them around the house. They like Garrett's socks, even his t-shirts, his ear plugs and we've found a screw that had been on the kitchen counter. We had a large cork board with push pins on it and they pulled them out and carried them throughout the house. Luckily we saw the pins, not stepped on them. They're a little nuts but we love them. I can't think of much else other than WOW is it hot outside! I'm sure our electric bill will be high next month. I'm still working at the dog playgroups, only with small dogs now, and it's been so hot my boss has cancelled a number of sessions. People nor pets have fun when it's this warm, heat index of 105 today. I work on Saturday from 10-noon and it's supposed to be this way tomorrow also. I'm hoping she cancels again because I'm hot even in the air conditioning. Everyone stay cool and remember that Fall is on the way. Hopefully we'll have a nice long Fall this year. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Happy Wednesday everyone. Things are well on our end. The heat and humidity continues to be an annoyance but drinking lots of ice water helps. And eating the occasional Central ice cream helps, too :).

A few months ago we were throwing Huntley's favorite toy in the living room and he stopped and lifted his right rear leg and yelped and can came hobbling to us. He kept it off the floor for a few minutes and then started putting weight on it, with limping for a while afterwards. Last week he did it twice on two separate days so we took him to the Vet yesterday. They put him under anesthetic to get xrays and to manually manipulate his leg. They attained hip and knee views. The xray did not give a clear indication of anything wrong but after two of the Vets felt his right knee they determined he has a partially ruptured medial collateral ligament. It's the ligament joining the tibia and femur on the inside of his knee. They prescribed Tramadol and Rimadyl along with two weeks of rest, which means no walks and no playgroups. He likes to run through the house when we get home so that will be a challenge. The Vet said that the torn portion will hopefully grow together within that time frame. If he continues to show lameness or is painful after that amount of time they can refer us to an ortho specialist to consider surgery. After researching I'm not sure that is something we'd do. After getting him home last night he slept and when he was awake he really wasn't coherent. Eating is typically his highlight of the day and he didn't eat until 8:45 last night. He wouldn't even eat a biscuit before that. Afterwards I took him to his potty spot and he kept trying to wander in other directions when he typically heads straight for the zone. They'd given him a good dose of injectable pain meds while he was under anesthetic and I think that is what made him so loopy. He really didn't want to eat this morning but after 15 minutes he reluctantly ate. He would go to his bowl, look at the food, walk 10 feet away, go back to the bowl, etc. Poor puppy. The good news is that his hips look excellent which is a relief to hear for his breed and not knowing his lineage that has been something we were concerned about. Let's hope the ligament heals but we don't think we'll be taking him back to playgroups. He's such a rough player and loves to run with the other dogs we're afraid that if he does heal it could easily rupture partially or completely. It's so sad because he loves to play with dogs so much. We are going to MO soon and were planning to leave him at the kennel as he would be able to go to playgroups each day but now we'll be bringing him with us.

That's the latest news as everything else remains the same. Talk you again soon!