Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Happy Wednesday everyone. Things are well on our end. The heat and humidity continues to be an annoyance but drinking lots of ice water helps. And eating the occasional Central ice cream helps, too :).

A few months ago we were throwing Huntley's favorite toy in the living room and he stopped and lifted his right rear leg and yelped and can came hobbling to us. He kept it off the floor for a few minutes and then started putting weight on it, with limping for a while afterwards. Last week he did it twice on two separate days so we took him to the Vet yesterday. They put him under anesthetic to get xrays and to manually manipulate his leg. They attained hip and knee views. The xray did not give a clear indication of anything wrong but after two of the Vets felt his right knee they determined he has a partially ruptured medial collateral ligament. It's the ligament joining the tibia and femur on the inside of his knee. They prescribed Tramadol and Rimadyl along with two weeks of rest, which means no walks and no playgroups. He likes to run through the house when we get home so that will be a challenge. The Vet said that the torn portion will hopefully grow together within that time frame. If he continues to show lameness or is painful after that amount of time they can refer us to an ortho specialist to consider surgery. After researching I'm not sure that is something we'd do. After getting him home last night he slept and when he was awake he really wasn't coherent. Eating is typically his highlight of the day and he didn't eat until 8:45 last night. He wouldn't even eat a biscuit before that. Afterwards I took him to his potty spot and he kept trying to wander in other directions when he typically heads straight for the zone. They'd given him a good dose of injectable pain meds while he was under anesthetic and I think that is what made him so loopy. He really didn't want to eat this morning but after 15 minutes he reluctantly ate. He would go to his bowl, look at the food, walk 10 feet away, go back to the bowl, etc. Poor puppy. The good news is that his hips look excellent which is a relief to hear for his breed and not knowing his lineage that has been something we were concerned about. Let's hope the ligament heals but we don't think we'll be taking him back to playgroups. He's such a rough player and loves to run with the other dogs we're afraid that if he does heal it could easily rupture partially or completely. It's so sad because he loves to play with dogs so much. We are going to MO soon and were planning to leave him at the kennel as he would be able to go to playgroups each day but now we'll be bringing him with us.

That's the latest news as everything else remains the same. Talk you again soon!


  1. Poor Huntley...hope he gets better soon and doesn't need surgery. He needs good strong legs to carry that big body around! Give baby Thorne a little pat for me!!

  2. Those big dogs are like horses. It's hard for them to do much with only 3 legs. He's feeling better and the pain meds are keeping him a little more sleepy, which is good. I enjoy reading your comments! See you soon!!

  3. Maybe if he's sleepy he can play a bit with Macy when you are here...she is growing but she's still just a speck compared to him.
