Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!

Woo Hoo! It's a 3-day weekend! I plan to gets lots of rest and also lots done at the house. It's supposed to be beautiful outside so perhaps I will clean up some landscaping. Last weekend I was able to paint all but one wall in the office room. It needed a bit more spackle in one spot but it's ready to be finished. We painted it a slightly dark shade of sage green. It's a bit darker than we'd planned but it looks nice and will do for now.

Baby is doing well. We had another appointment on Tuesday and her heart rate is great at 150bpm. My bp was 98/60 which is lower than typically for me but the nurse wasn't concerned. I gained 2 lbs which is perfect and I'm measuring right on for 32 weeks. Baby is getting hiccups on a daily basis. She is still in the head down position and growing, which means she is now reaching my ribs with her feet. Ugh. But she continues to be quite active and wakes me up around 5:30am from her wiggling. She hasn't been moving too much throughout the night thank goodness. The tour last week was nice and the childbirth class was good, too. Last night I went to a breastfeeding class that was very beneficial. I learned a lot of information.

While we were in MO for the baby showers, neighbor Frank's pigs, yes plural, all of his pigs got out of their enclosure one night and he woke up to finding them rooting around all over his yard and a couple of them in ours. They dug a few holes in our mulched landscaping that we need to fill in. He rounded them up and took them in for processing soon thereafter. He told Garrett last night that he won't be getting any more livestock until he puts up better fencing. I'd say! This is the second time and people drive fast down our gravel road. What if someone hit one or we take Huntley outside and Hello Piggy! There's always something interesting going on with neighbor Frank.

I found a changing table on Craigslist earlier this week that matches the crib we bought. It was half the price of a new one in the same model so we went and picked it up. It's in decent shape with only a few scratches. We had intended to use a dresser but haven't been able to get one to the house, nor do we have much time/money to go shopping for an antique dresser so this will do for a while. Her room is small anyway so it won't be so cramped. We hope to put primer and possibly paint her room this weekend so we can start getting it organized. I've done a number of loads of baby clothes in the laundry so when we get paint and shelving finished I can start putting her clothes in their place. I think we have enough clothes to last her through 1 1/2-2 years of age! Good thing her closet is big!

Work is letting everyone off early today so I will wrap us this post. I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the weather. Love to you all!

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