Friday, October 22, 2010

Anytime Sweet Baby

Hi everyone. Things are going well. Work at our jobs and home have been busy for both Garrett and myself. This week I've been working on quick projects because I think people are hesitant to give me anything that will take more than a couple hours, just in case. Everyone at work has been very sweet and have wished me many happy thoughts. They are all rooting for Baby to arrive this weekend. According to my ultrasound in mid-pregnancy the date is tomorrow but according to days it is still Oct. 30. I'm hoping for any time. My only request is that I'm not at the hospital on my birthday, Nov. 8. Who knows, according to my appointment on Wednesday it could be any time. I was 100% effaced and almost 2cm. When it happens it may happen quickly which would be great! I've had a lot of pressure and other signs that indicate my body is getting ready. There's still no way to know for sure when she'll arrive so it's a waiting game. My wonderful husband finished Baby's room completely and I started putting things in her room last night. I didn't have energy to get much done but I did get most of her clothes and extra bedding in the closet. I'm hoping Garrett can help me put the crib together tonight. According to other people's experience this crib should take around an hour to assemble.

Garrett and Brandt, a friend of ours, worked on our garage all last weekend. They are replacing the sill plates and some studs, then putting up new sheathing, siding and windows. Brandt is coming back tonight for the weekend to continue the project. The previous owners did a lowsy job with sealing up the garage so any time it rains the water leaks in at various places.

Well, back to work I go. Have a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a tough labor! I'm sure you made the right decision for both you and Jillian. She is gorgeous and we are counting the days until we can meet her. Grandma Thorne has been keeping me posted. Love you guys and glad everyone is adjusting so well.
