Monday, April 26, 2010

Another week

Hello again,
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We were able to work on a few things this weekend but didn't get done as much as I had hoped. Garrett worked on work benches for the garage and almost finished one of the two. He needs to order casters and then he'll be done with the first one. He made good progress on the second and will probably finish it this week. They look really nice. He may have been closer to being done if the power hadn't gone out on Friday night. I had already gone to bed and then he came in and said the power was out and that the tope of a utility pole across the road was on fire. The fire was out by the time the utility company came out. They said the isolator had gone bad and got it fixed right away.
Saturday was a busy day with the Garden Expo at the Tippecanoe fairgrounds in the morning and then the Purdue Grand Prix race in the afternoon. Then out to dinner with Garrett's boss and his wife and a co-worker and his wife. It was a fun day and very tiring.
Sunday morning we got up and I started sanding the spackle spots in the office room in preparation to paint. More spackle needs to be put on in a few spots so no painting yet. I took a nice long afternoon nap and still slept well last night. For dinner I cut a few asparagus and sauteed them to go along with the main dish. I can hardly keep up with the stuff it grows soooo fast. Now with this rain I'm sure it will grow even faster. It's great though so I won't complain. It's fun to go into the garden and gather part of my dinner.

Things are going well on the baby front. Anxiously waiting to feel movement. I have another check-up at the end of this week and will get to hear the heart again. I had read that sleeping on your back can reduce blood flow to your legs and uterus starting with the second trimester. I am a back sleeper, occasional side sleeper, so for a week I woke up every time I wanted to move and positioned myself with pillows. I wasn't sleeping well and my hips were killing me from the constant side sleeping so I called the doctor's office and asked about it. They said I don't need to worry about avoiding sleeping on my back until later, sometime in the third trimester. Even though my uterus is growing, it's not big enough to be compressing the vena cava to have an impact on blood supply to Baby. I was relieved and have slept better ever since. Another reason not to believe everything you read on the net. A change I've noticed is my hair and face have become greasy like when I was in middle school. My Head and Shoulders wasn't doing any good. I'd get out of the shower and it seemed as though I hadn't even washed my hair. I went back to using Paul Mitchel's tea tree special shampoo. It used to do a great job and then I decided I didn't want to pay for it anymore. After a week of using it my skin was showing irritation in the form of a rash that I had struggled with for a few years. After discontinuing that shampoo and later the birth control, my skin improved dramatically. So I'm guessing there is something in each of those that my body doesn't like. I tried Garrett's Perts Plus and it has been doing a better job without the skin irritation. As for the face break-outs, I'll just have to deal with it. It's worth it. :)

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