Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Little Heart

We heard Baby's heart beat on Friday! It was such a wonderful sound. It was a very strong beat and the Practitioner found it quickly. We did not have an ultrasound this time but we will in a couple of months. It was reassuring and made it more real for both Garrett and myself. I go again in 3.5 weeks to check the heart and I can hardly wait.

Baby's eye lids have formed and fused and will open in the last trimester. The bones are developing and hardening. The head makes up for half of the mass but the rest of the body will quickly catch up in the coming weeks. Baby should be about the size of a lime and be wiggling it arms and legs. I know it's busy growing because it's wearing me out. The on and off nausea has subsided mostly and the Spring weather has helped me stay motivated to exercise. It was so humid yesterday I was sweating a bit after my walk with Huntley but it was really nice to be outside. We've been cleaning up the yard the last two evenings. Cutting out the dead flower stalks and Garrett mowed yesterday for the first time. I made chocolate chip cookies this weekend and have allowed myself one or two each day, which is really hard to not eat more!! I have avoided chocolate from the beginnning until now. The Practitioner said I can start having a little and I just had to have cookies!

We're really excited that everything is looking good and we couldn't be happier.

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