Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I believe we have a very active one on board. During the day I feel little flutters and gentle movements periodically. After eating dinner and relaxing in the evenings is when Little One wakes up and wants to dance. Last night we were watching the news and I felt a good jab that startled me. I put my hand on my belly and it kicked again and I felt it move on the outside! I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination so I grabbed Garrett's hand and put it in the same place. A moment later Baby kicked again and I looked over and asked if he felt it. Simultaneously he looked over and asked if that was the baby. It made me really happy that he could feel it, and he liked it too. I was surprised to be able to feel it from the outside already. I looked up a forum online and many women start feeling it from the outside about this time. Baby stopped wiggling for a few minutes and then started up again. Then stopped, then started. Again, we'd put our hands on it. I think it was shying away from the little bit of pressure of our hands and didn't feel it again from the outside. I could still feel it inside. I'm starting to anticipate when it's going to give a jab. It feels like it's doing gentle rolls and somersaults and then, pow! Roll, twist, pow! Baby hadn't moved much for a few days so it was good to feel it more active. Ha, I'm not I'll be saying that in the coming months but for now it's cool. I'll feel better after seeing our amazing creation on ultrasound. Baby should be about 5.5 inches crown to rump, and close to 8 inches with legs.

We had a busy weekend. Friday night we watched The Blind Side. Great movie! Saturday I worked at KCA (Klondike Canine Academy) with the dogs and went home and made brownies. A group of girls and I went over to a friend's house for girls' night. I cut up fresh pineapple and watermelon. Laura, the host, made delicious lasagna and we all basically talked and ate for 5 hours. Well, at least I ate most of the time. But it was mostly healthy snacks. I only had 1/2 a brownie along with the fruit and mexican layer dip. Sunday we got up early and started working on landscaping outside. I worked on weeding the beds and Garrett removed the big dead bushes. Just before we moved in to the house the seller said a bug attacked a couple of them. She sprayed them and tried to get the bugs away but the bugs won. By noon I had to stop because I was too hot. I took a break every 30 minutes but it was just too warm. We had lunch and Garrett went back out and mowed. We need to go a garden center and pick out a few new shrubs to fill in the empty spots. We both have Monday off next week so hopefully we can get more accomplished. Garrett plans to put in vents on the roof of the garage and hopefully I can work on organizing inside.

Last Wednesday morning we had a few shallow holes in our yard. One was about 2 feet in diameter and we figured it was a coyote or dog. Well, we spoke with Neighbor Frank this weekend and he said he'd had a pig get out of its pen. It meandered over to our place, then back to his yard. He called a friend after finding it and they were able to corner it and get it back into the pen. The pigs are full-sized and not very nice apparently. Hopefully we won't step outside with Huntley and be surprised by a giant pig that weighs three times Huntley's weight.

Yesterday I was standing at the sink getting dinner ready when I saw our first Hummingbird! I was so excited. I've had the feeder out for two weeks and hadn't seen anything. I didn't see it again but am hopeful we will have some visitors. We also have a Robin with two babies in the nest just outside our front living room window. They are fun to watch.

Everyone stay cool during these warm days. Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...lots going on! Hmmm, very active baby...need I tell you which of my two was super active? Sounds like we will be gone when you guys are here for the wedding, sorry we will miss you.
