Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Baby!

We are now 4 months/16 weeks. Monday night Garrett and I were sitting on the couch watching a bit of tv. I was a bit slouched with a pillow behind my back when I felt the baby move!! It felt like a little jab in the front of my belly. When people would describe feeling movement as a gas bubble, I thought "What?" I couldn't imagine it, until now. That's exactly what it felt like but instead of being deeper in my body, it was right out in front. It was soooo cool! I turned and looked at Garrett after thinking about it for a moment, and still surprised I said "I think I just felt our baby move!" He smiled and rubbed the belly. I haven't felt it since but am really excited and hoping to feel it again soon. I've tried using the heart monitor a few times with no luck. Baby is around 5 inches long and according to what I've read will be going through a growth spurt from now on. Hopefully we'll be able to hear it soon. In 3 weeks we'll be going in for the ultrasound. I can hardly wait! I think about it at least 3 times an hour.

Shirts that I bought only a few weeks ago are getting snug! They weren't maternity shirts, just shirts from Kohl's that were hip length princess cut. Another shirt that I'd bought a month ago was too big at first, now fits. The great thing about being pregnant right now is maternity clothes for summer are probably less expensive than winter maternity tops. AND I won't have to buy a big winter coat! I figured I may as well find good deals on clothes so I can be comfortable and cute throughout the 40 weeks and also because we hope to have another child in the distant future (don't get too excited). My cousin is getting married in June so I plan to go to the maternity store in our mall to buy a dress. I went in there few weeks ago and they had really cute dresses for around $30. Surely I'll be able to wear it at least a couple of times before Fall. Although by then I will be bigger and may want to wear something cooler. Anyway, I'd like to have a cute dress for the wedding so by golly I'm going to find one.

As far as cravings go, pizza still always sounds and is very good. Over the past week I've been craving smoothies and ice cream and milk shakes. We stopped at Steak n Shake last weekend and I had (I was good) a junior milk shake. It was oh so tasty. We went to Sam's and I bought a bag of Yoplait Smoothie mix. It has fruit and yogurt chunks and then you add milk. Quite yummy.

Our jobs have been keeping us busy as well as yard work and gardening. We planted tomato, jalapeno, watermelon and cantaloupe starts this week and hope the billions of rabbits around our house won't get through the fence we put up. The asparagus is in full swing and I've been enjoying some and taking the rest to work. On Tuesday morning I brought some in and the entire WalMart bag of it was gone in 1.5 hours. I am happy that's it's not going to waste.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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