Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bag Packed

Jillian's bag, Baby Boy Thorne's bag and my hospital bag are all packed ready for the big day. Let's hope it's still about 7 weeks away. The little guy has been very active and has been getting hiccups often. Today he seems to like punching my hip bone. Jillian rarely kicked my ribs at night but this guy aims right for them. Overall, he's doing well as far as we know. I'm getting along ok. Just trying to keep up with grocery shopping, cooking, and general cleaning around the house. My weight has stalled out the past 3 weeks. It seems if I eat anything past 630 in the evenings it's difficult to sleep due to heartburn and/or little baby boy is pushing up more so onto my stomach and diaphragm and I have a hard time breathing. So I try to eat more during the day and eat as soon as I can when I get home.

Jillian is doing well. She is having a Christmas party at her daycare today so all the parents were given an opportunity to bring in store-bought snacks. I totally forgot until this morning so I took in an unopened box of individually packaged fruit snacks. She has been off the pacifier since August at home. I didn't realize she was still getting it at daycare until I walked in one day and she had it in her mouth. That was over a month ago and she is now pacifier free! I really wanted her off of it soon anyway but especially before this baby comes. She has been eating a bunch of food the past few days. One night she ate 1/3 of a chicken breast, sweet potatoes, cottage cheese, block cheese and a few crackers in addition to her milk. She continues to enjoy pulling off her shoes and socks on the car ride to and from town. She hasn't tried chewing on them much, she just likes to grab her toes. She also knows where her nose is and her toes. We'll say "Where's your nose?" and she touches it with a finger and then we'll ask her where our nose is and she puts her finger on our nose. We'll ask her where her toes are and she reaches down to her toes. I've really been missing her last week and this week. It's almost like when I first came back to work after having her and just wanting to drop everything at work and leave to go get her from daycare. Perhaps it's because I know my time with just her is going to shortened soon.

Garrett has been very busy with work and home tasks. He put up new shelving in one of our big living room closets to help organization. He welded on casters to his big Gorilla racks in the garage so he can move them around. Once we move the off road truck out of the way of one of the bays we can put both cars in the garage. He and I are getting over a cough that we think Jillian gave us. It was all in our upper chest and throat. I've been very busy at work as well. Lots of project deadlines by Dec. 31 or early January.

We bought a small 3 foot real Christmas tree that we are keeping up on a desk. We put a select few ornaments on it. The name of the tree escapes me at the moment. It's nice to have and to smell. Christmas has arrived very quickly this year.

Wishing everyone well and Merry Christmas!

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